Dear friends,
The events of the last few weeks have been both shocking and concerning. Many of our friends have been impacted by efforts to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. We, as your pastors, are praying for the best, but preparing for the worst. We all hope and pray that our church’s medical advisors, the national leaders of the CDC, and others are wrong. We pray that the sickness, and loss of life, predicted will pass by our beloved friends and families. All of us will rejoice if this crisis passes swiftly and without losses.
Yet, as your pastors, we are preparing for the storm we are told is coming and we are trying to prepare you as well. We want to lead you to prepare to do as much good as possible. This time of testing has come without our choosing, yet we can choose to rise and serve as wisely as possible. We can choose to share the love and message of Jesus as we respond.
What will be your part as this pandemic comes to our area? Your answer to that question depends on your situation, your health risk, and God’s leading. We have been instructed by the medical authorities that individuals over sixty years of age, or of any age with underlying health problems, are more at risk. This disease can kill vulnerable people if they catch it and any individual can transmit this virus for up to fourteen days before they show any symptoms. These are the reasons we, as your pastors, suspended our services before other churches and organizations did.
Sadly, as things are, we will not be able to meet in person as soon as we hoped. All in person gatherings are suspended until we reevaluate at the end of April. We cannot meet until both the governor’s order is lifted, and we have solid medical confirmation that it is safe.
We are so grateful for your willingness to watch the online services on Sundays and Wednesdays. We also are so grateful for your generous gifts of support. Many of you have sent checks and given tithes online, as well as special gifts to the NEIGHBORS IN NEED FUND. This fund is for the coming needs related to the coronavirus’ impact on families.
The weeks ahead may become more challenging as this pandemic impacts our communities. It is our present work to help you all be as prepared as possible. We want you to be panic-free and prepared for what may come. We want you to be prepared to do all the good you can so God gets the glory and your neighbors are helped. We want you prepared to share the hope of Jesus through words and works in this crisis.
We love you,
Pastor Joe
Pastor Mike
Pastor Danny
Pastor Scott