Youth Camp 2015
TFBC Friends,
We’re home! Not just from a glorious week at Youth Camp in the beautiful Wenatchee National Forest, but from an entire summer of practical servant leadership.
I am often asked by other pastors and youth leaders, “How does your church get students to put so much time and energy into training for, preparing for, and executing ministry?” The answer is simple. We teach them what Jesus taught His disciples in Matthew 25:34-46. Then we take every opportunity to invest in their lives and then give them every opportunity to experience God by joining Him where He is at work.
This Sunday, come and hear what God has done in the lives of two individuals, Josie Bowen and Joel Martin, who have experienced the joy of Servant Leadership. And if that’s not enough to get you to church this Sunday, maybe seeing me with black and blue hair will do the trick!
See you Sunday!
Some things to think about:
Read Matthew 25:34-46
- Where do you keep your prized possessions?
- What award do you prize because it was given to you for special service or recognition?
- Does this story seem more like a parable or a prophecy? Why?
- List the six actions Jesus will use as the basis of judgement. What kids of acts are these? For whom are they done now and ultimately (v.40)? How do they benefit the doer?
- How are those who don’t do the acts and those who do them similar? Different?
- What does this section teach about Christian responsibility?
- Who, besides those mentioned here, might be considered ‘the least of these’?
- When have you been hungry, thirsty, a stranger, in need of clothes, sick or imprisoned, and someone reached out to you? When have you reached out to people in those conditions?
- In these six areas, where do you find yourself serving most naturally? In which areas do you have the most trouble reaching out?
- How can we pray for you?