Hello everyone!
We are feeling full and blessed, tired and expectant, happy for what has just been and hopeful for the days ahead. God is amazing and He has given us some wonderful opportunities to serve Him in the season just gone. We continue to be amazed at His plan for us and the way that He will use anyone that is willing to follow Him.

In early July, we went to France for about ten days to join friends, Keith and Amal Moore, to minister to refugees in ‘the jungle’, the makeshift camp in the coastal city of Calais, where thousands of people from many nations have assembled with the single idea in mind – getting across the English Channel to England. Each one has left home and family and risked his life crossing land and sea to get this far, in search of safety and a new life.

We had a brilliant few days in the camp itself, spending time just getting to know and minister to about 100 Sudanese men, sharing life, stories and song as well as bringing a big meal to share on our last evening in the country. We had the opportunity of openly sharing the gospel with these muslim men who recorded the message to listen to over again.
We also spent a couple days helping sort donations of clothing, tents, sleeping bags, toys and anything else you can think, at a HUGE warehouse, to be later taken to the men and women who live in the camp. This same warehouse fed five thousand refugees a day! Unfortunately photos were not allowed inside, but we felt grateful to be a part of helping these people who are in so much need.

From the middle of March through the middle of June, Sue staffed the lecture phase of the Encounter DTS. The five young women who came as students in the school have been radically transformed through discipleship and the encounters they have had with Jesus.
The team, when on outreach in the Philippines to remote and “forgotten” islands had the amazing privilege to share the gospel story with people who have never heard it.
On the island of Mindanao our team shared Jesus with one tribe for several days. At the end of the time they asked that our team return in a few days while the leaders would meet and discuss what they had heard and learned. When the team returned the chief told them they, as a community, decided they wanted to follow Jesus! Woohoo! Almost the entire village gave their hearts to Jesus; excitement for the team and heaven rejoicing!

On the 29th of June I, Rick, completed the School of Biblical Studies at The King’s Lodge here in England. It was nine months of intense study, weighty lectures, and close scrutiny of the entire Bible. There was so much to digest, but I’m excited to begin to use in ministry the depth of what I’ve been given in the course. I’m feeling challenged to put this deeper understanding to use in creative ways, knowing that the Bible gives life and value to everyone.

We followed our ministry trip to Calais with a few days at a Christian festival, MOMENTUM, representing YWAM England. We had some amazing conversations about the Discipleship Training School that we love, and about YWAM in general.
At this minute, we are finally enjoying some very needed holiday! Our wonderful daughter Kaeli came and spent three weeks with us in the UK, leaving just a few days ago, and we loved resting and being with her (as well with Alex and Dani, and Abbey and Phil). The day after Kaeli arrived, our nephew Brian Joyce flew into town, and we so enjoyed time with him as well.
New change…. I, Rick, will be taking over the lead in the training department here at the King’s Lodge. It will be an exciting time to work with a team of leaders and see God move in the schools.
We’ve had a pretty hectic past 6 months but look forward to exciting new adventures with God.
Well Done for making it this far in our newsletter; you are amazing! We’d love to hear from you if you have time!
Blessings and love from the two of us,
Rick and Sue