Categories: Events, Kid's Ministry

Family & Friends Fun Day

Join us for a day of fun for the whole church. We will be closing up VBS by celebrating with the kids and their friends and family. There will be games and activities for all ages!

We will have Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., during which the kids will play games and activities in their classrooms with their teachers. Parents can join us for breakfast and Sunday School in the fellowship hall.

At 11:00 am, we will celebrate the kids during our Sunday Service.

Following the 11 am service, we will enjoy a BBQ/potluck in the Fellowship Hall.

Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided, so please bring a side dish or dessert to share.

You won’t want to miss the great fun we have planned.

Note: There is no 8:00 am service!

Karen Bell

Administrative Assistant - Click Here for full profile