Categories: Articles, Featured

Website News – Welcome to the New!

Hey Church Family!

It’s been about a year and a half since we launched our website.  It’s been so great to learn how to connect with all of you using the web, which is something we’ve never really done before to this degree. We’ve learned quite since then and have wanted to add a lot more content, but our current design didn’t allow us to do that.  So, we decided that it was time to start fresh.  Over the past few months, we’ve been hard at work coming up with a new redesign that would hopefully help our church community better connect with what we’re doing.  And now, we’re finally ready to go live with it!  Below I have listed a few of the highlights of our new site…

  • New Look
    We completely refreshed our navigation menu, added a brand new homepage slider, and created an overall new look and feel.  We wanted it to be more welcoming and fit the color scheme that our new brochures and bulletin/listening guides are using.  I think it turned out pretty well!
  • Podcasts Hosted Locally
    Probably one of the biggest question I get asked is “Where is our podcasts?” or “Why isn’t our podcasts located on our website?” Well, ask no more.  All of our podcasts are now hosted locally on our website!  And because we are hosting them locally, we get to be a lot more flexible on how they appear and how they work.  Our newest podcasts will give you the ability to both turn in a Next Step card and print out a listening guide
  • Online Giving
    We streamlined online giving through PayPal to make it easier and more intuitive.  This makes it simpler to pay for camps online and give in general to help support the your church community.  It works great right now, but we plan to expand it even more and make it more flexible for you.  We’ll have more information about that soon!
  • Featured Events
    Instead of having to search for our main events and camps we have coming up, there is now a section right on our home page that has them listed separately, making it easy to find the events you are looking for.  Yay!
  • News
    Our News Page is now a whole lot more streamlined, giving it the look and feel of a news website.  We didn’t pull many of the articles from our old website, so it looks a little sparse right now, but it’ll fill up quick!

There’s so much more on top of what I just shared with you and a lot of “coming soon” content that we have cooking up!  So go ahead and take a look through all of the sections and let me know what you think!

God Bless!


Britton Holman

Online Administrator - Click Here for full profile