Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Thank you for allowing your child(ren) to join us for a week of growth at Kid’s Camp. We, the members of Toledo First Baptist Church, are looking forward to spending a week with your child(ren); learning about God’s love and growing in our relationship with Jesus Christ. This letter contains information that you need to know. Please read carefully.
Our entire pastoral staff, as well as our excellent team of youth and adults, will be present to make sure your child has a great time. The `camp still has a few openings in several age groups. If you know someone who would like to go have them give me a call.
Departure Day: This year our camp begins on Monday, July 18 – All staff needs to be at the church at 7:00 am. Campers can start checking in at 7:30 am. Volunteers will check them in and mark their luggage. Our camp nurses will be available to collect campers’ prescriptions.
Please check your child(ren) for head lice and/or nits prior to coming. We will have a private screening area designated where someone will check your child’s hair for lice and/or nits. If they have either they will be asked to stay home. The camp does not have the place, time, or personnel to take care of this situation. Once registered, campers will meet in the sanctuary about camp. We plan on departing by 9:00 am.
Canteen and Mission Money: This year your child’s Snack Shack money was included in the registration fee. At Snack Shack campers will be able to buy pop, candy, snacks, and other items. A camper can spend $3.00 per day. There will be no canteen on Friday.
During the week we will also take a Mission offering. Our Mission offering this year will go to help some pastors in Haiti.. We have set a goal of $400.00. Help us reach our goal. Be sure to give your child’s mission offering when they check in on Monday.
Campers will need no other money.
Healthcare: Our camp nurses will be on duty at camp. Any medications, prescriptions, or otherwise, must be turned into her on Monday when campers check in. All prescription medications need to be in the original bottles with clear directions written on label. Medications not in original bottles or medications prescribed for someone other than the camper, will not be given without authorization from prescribing physician. The following medications will be in stock and available to the campers at the Nurses’ discretion, based on an extensive assessment of the child, and the parents’ authorization. If you do not wish for your child to be given some over the counter medications please send a note detailing which medications may be given. Please do not send any of the following medications with your child as there is limited storage.
If they take any of these medications routinely, please send a note with the dosage needed:
- Tylenol and Ibuprofen: Chewable
- Benedryl: Adult (25 mg)
- Advil: Migraine; Adult Strength
- Tums
- Robitussin
- Triaminic
- Cough Drops
In case of an accident or illness parents/guardians will be notified immediately. If you have any questions or concerns you can call me at 360-520-4694.
We care about the health of all the children who attend. On check-in day we will be taking your child’s temperature. If your child has a fever we will ask you to keep the child home.
6th Grade Graduation: Parents/Guardians of 6th Graders are invited to come up Thursday evening, July 21, for the 6th Grade Graduation Ceremony. During this ceremony 6th Graders will be honored for who they are and welcomed into the Youth Group. The evening’s festivities begin with dinner at 5:00 pm. This year the graduation will again be at 7:00 pm so that parents will be able to get home earlier. It is a very special evening.
If you cannot come up you may prepare a letter that we can read to your child that evening. Give it to me when we leave on Monday.
What to Bring:
- Bible, notebook, pen or pencil
- Enough clothes for 5 days. Make sure name is on all clothing.Dress appropriately. All clothing should exemplify Christ. All clothing should be modest. Any clothing (hats, shirts, etc.) that advertise beer, tobacco, drugs, rock groups, or suggestive sayings are not allowed. Please follow these guidelines:
Swimsuit: Bikinis, revealing one piece suits, cutoffs, or bikini type shorts are not allowed.
Shirts: No spaghetti straps. Straps should be at least as wide as lasagna. When you bend over nothing under the shirt should be seen.
Shoes: Need to be worn at all times when walking around the camp grounds.
Shorts: They should come to mid thigh. No short shorts! No under-clothing should be seen.
During the evenings wear protective clothing especially if the “bugs” are biting. Coat or jacket for cool weather. 6th graders should have nice casual clothes to wear for the 6th Grade Graduation. - Sleeping bag; pillow; towels, toiletries
- Flashlight with extra batteries
- Bug repellent and chapstick
- Sports equipment is OK (Baseball, basketball, frisbee, etc)
What not to bring:
- Cell Phone (Many cel phones do not get coverage.); Radio; Tape player; CD player; Gameboy type entertainment; Weapons (real or toy) – knives, guns, fireworks, etc.
- Extra candy or snacks (not allowed in cabins)
- Extra money
Camp Location: Children’s Camp is located at Clear Lake Grace Brethren Camp. The Camp address is: Clear Lake Grace Brethren Camp, 11660 Tieton Rd., White Pass, WA 98937. You are encouraged to send a card of encouragement to your child(ren). Be sure to send the letter before camp to make sure it gets there during the week.
Directions are: From I-5: Take Highway 12 east. The camp is approximately 9 miles east of the summit of White Pass. Turn right on Tieton Rd. (between mileposts 158 and 159). Follow the blacktop road for approximately 4 ½ miles. Camp is on the left side of the road with a Wenatchee National Forest Organizational Camp sign marking the entrance.
Important Phone Numbers:
We removed this list from the website version of this letter… If you need this list, we ask that you contact the church office and they can send it to you. Thank you.
Return From Camp:
We will be coming back home on Friday, July 22. We will leave the camp at 1:00 pm which would allow us to arrive back at the church around 3:00 pm. Parents/Guardians of 6th Graders: Remember that your child is invited to stay an extra night with the other youth and youth workers. They will arrive home Saturday, July 25, in early afternoon.
Camp Celebration: We will be celebrating our camp experience on Sunday, July 26, at 8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 am. This special time of worship will include music, video presentation, and testimonies. We ask you to join us for this special time of saying “Thanks” to the Lord.
If you have any further questions please call the church office. We again thank you for the opportunity to allow our church to minister to you and your family.
In God’s Love,
Mike Stavig – Associate Pastor (Music and Education)