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What is Awana Club? Growing up with Awana Club in my local church, I remember it being part of my weekly life. Memorizing scripture, studying Bible stories and learning about how to share Gods word with others. I was interested in knowing if Awanas and Cubbies had changed at all. So, I looked up on the internet on their website at, to find out. The first paragraph I read was on their main web page. This is what it read…..

“Awana equips local volunteers in churches around the world with Biblical evangelism and discipleship solutions so that today’s children may become tomorrow’s Christian leaders, in every aspect of society and culture.”

I see nothing has changed in all these years. Teaching our children to be Christian leaders and discipline them to walk with Christ for life. Instilling the gospel into their lives and teaching them to use these skills to reach others in the world. It’s the same outreach it always has been with the same goals for each child that enters Awana Clubs all around the United States and the world.

Here at TFBC, our Awana and Cubbies starts October 3rd at 6:30 pm.

There are three things you can do to help with our Awana Club this year. Pray about being a leader, volunteer or teacher on Wednesday nights, we need you! Invite kids you know to come to Awana’s or Cubbies. Pray every week for the leaders, teachers, and children.

Please call Pastor Mike at 360.520.4694 or call the church office at 360.864.2550 if you’re interested in helping.

Karen Bell

Administrative Assistant - Click Here for full profile