Our youth group is doing world Vision’s 30 Hour Famine Fundraiser on April 12-13. We will be skipping meals to raise funds that will help feed hungry children around the world. There are so many ways you can help us.
* For every $40.00 we raise helps feed and care for a child for one month. We need your help to make our Famine weekend a success
* Please connect with a youth and sign up to donate or you can make a check out to Toledo First Baptist Church and in the memo write: World Vision, or visit our fundraising page at www.30hourfamine.org/team/TFBC or you can text 30HFGIVE to 44888.
* Pray for God’s grace over our event and our fundraising, and that we grow deeper in our love for Him while helping change hungry kids’ lives.
* Our goal is to raise $6,500 to help feed and care for 162 kids for a month.
For more information, you can contact Danny Brown at 360.749.3588 or Karie Feigenbaum at 360.520.09440
Thank you.